
Hey guys. This is going to be the first post to get this blog up and running.

We will set up a few different Media sources for which you can follow us as we begin this journey.

This WordPress will serve as home base, and where most of the bulk of our updates will go.

Tumblr will most likely be the most used site, strictly from an ease of access standpoint. It seems to be a good source of information and inspiration for tiny house specific things.

Pinterest is, well pinterest. It’s great for inspiration on all things ever and tends to be a great distraction whenever accessed. If you have any interest in checking out what projects, tutorials, information, images, etc.. we find inspiring or important enough to keep a record of regarding a tiny living lifestyle, feel free to check us out there too.

We have yet to make a decision about if we want to make a dedicated Facebook page or Instagram yet. Who knows for sure though.